
Oral communication


-Papers grouped by the scientific committee into sessions moderated by a person designated by the organizers;

-Total time: 1 hour 30 minutes;

-Number of speakers per session: 5;

-Individual presentation time: 12 to 15 minutes followed by questions;

-The oral presentation must be given by the author of the submission;

-Slideshows must be in one of Canada's two official languages, English or French. If the presentation is in French, slide shows must be in English, and vice versa. If priority is given to another presentation language (e.g., Portuguese, Spanish), slide shows must be designed in either French or English;

-Choice of main and secondary themes (see axes above);

-The abstract must include

-For scientific research: a brief introduction, presentation objectives, methodology, results and conclusion.

-For other projects: brief introduction, objectives, results achieved, lessons learned, best practices and conclusions.

A limited number of abstracts will be accepted.

This content has been updated on 18 February 2024 at 21h39.